Thursday, November 27, 2008

Portland!! :D

!3:56 AM!

It's so late and I'm supposed to be up at 7 am so that we can all leave to Portland. My sister calls me her co-pilot, which means I have to stay up the whole way there, but I don't see that happening :p. Anyways. I stayed up so late downloading some songs :). Got a bunch of Taylor Swift songs and Rascal Flatts :). I've really started liking Rascal Flatts. Their music is so touching and has so much feeling. It often makes me want to cry. 

<3 Rascal Flatts :D.

<3 Not forgetting Taylor Swift either 

Well I'm off to take a shower and load some luggage. I always leave things last minute :p. 

<3 Nolly

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


~Whoa, I'm Off~

It was incredibly sudden and a little overwhelming but I shall be going to Mexico on Tuesday ! :D. OMG! Awesome, but so soon. Not to mention the fact that I won't be home till the day before I leave. I'm going to my brothers for thanksgiving, which is about 4 hours away. It's going to be intense. 

I'll make though :). Hopefully I'll be able to see all my friends before I leave and junk. I'm excited about this. I'm sure to have some awesome adventures and do all kind of odd junk and stuff. 

I can't wait!!! :D



Monday, November 24, 2008

* I'm so calling in sick today!!! :D. *

(and it's my first day back! Hehehehe!)

(I'm a lazy teen :p....)

Yello Mello :D

Woot! Woot!

Well I finally registered for classes and I'm way excited :). I'm hoping that I didn't over load myself with too many classes :p. I'm taking 14 credits and would take more but I need to talk to the consular. 

The class I am most excited for is my Psychology class :D. My declared major at the moment is Psychology and I'm not a 10 percent sure on it , so I'm excited to see how the class turns, because it will basically determine if I'll be keep my resent major or changing it for something else. 

I saw Twilight by the wasn't all that great. Action was pretty cool though :).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Come on!



OMG! I'm Sick Of It!!

I am so fucking sick of this ridiculous new "thin" fad. Everyone and their mother is doing it now. It's fucking gross. I'm sick at seeing beautiful WOMEN criticized  and called ugly names (fatty, lardy, ugly, nasty) just because all these GIRLS, decided to start starving themselves to fit into some Hollywood standard that is unrealistic and harmful!! Seriously!! I'd rather have some curves and look the way nature intended me then to look like some 12 year old boy! No thanks Hollywood, I prefer to look like women!!!!! 

Seriously!!! Look at these pictures....those skinny chicks look like they're about to pass out! Let's give them a fucking sandwich for gods sake.

You Made My Day! At 4 am :D

Girrrrrrrrrl! (Okay, enough of that.)

You made my day :). I love it dude :D. Everything you said was right and I love you for it!! 

Time to let that shit go :).

<3 Kyle <3>

Best Advice :).


I was talking to a friend of mine named Dave a few days ago and during our conversation that "boy" I'm always talking about came into topic. Well I told him all about the circumstances under which I was involved with this "boy" and he gave me the best advice ever :). 

"Except what came and expect no more"

These words really spoke to me and I think I'm ready to finally forget :). Although my heart still wants to hold on. I began to think of these words and it makes sense. I should just except what happened and expect nothing more to come from him, because no matter how hard I try nothing will ever evolve between the two of us.

So now I'm excited to see what will come next :). What new things will happen between me and my "man" now that I'm getting over the "boy". I'm also wondering what my love life has in store for me in the future. I'm sure more heart ache. But sooner or later that one that will make me fly will come walking along and we'll be forever happy :)

Much love ~Nolly

So long no write :p.

Sorry it's been so long since I've written  anything :p. Things have just been a bit busy lately

I started and job and totally hated it. It was so boring and lame. All I did was look at fruit for eight hours. Talk about a snooze fest huh. Well they put me on call like two weeks ago and that pretty much pissed me off. Oh but wait the greatest thing is after I had gotten used to not working and just lounging around all day they call me the friday before Thanksgiving week. AHHHHH! That pissed me off! The only season they even want me back is because their giving the people who've been there ages the week off. It's gay! I'm just going to go for the first two days and just bale on their asses! Bwahahahaha! It will be sooooo great :).

Well that all I have to say about work :D

Oh My Gosh!!

I start school in a few week :D. I'm so happy I could jump up and down :). It's so exciting, well at least for me. Hahaha! I have about a month before I start and I'm thinking of losing so weight before it starts :). I hope I can do it. Hehehe!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why??? :(


Why is it with us women we always fall for the bad ones :(. Why is it that we always end up thinking more about the asses in our lives then the sweethearts that have made us smile and feel so beautiful? 

I feel like an idiot at the time. I've found this beautiful man who is everything a women could want. Sweet, understanding, and romantic. Yet, even with him in my life I keep thinking about another boy. A boy who is not worth it at all. An ass of a man and nothing compared to the man I have now. 

I keep dreaming that idiot!! I know it may mean something else, but just the fact that I dream him aggravates me! He isn't worth my time let alone my thoughts....I know my dreams maybe trying to tell me something, but I don't want to even think of him, let alone think of him. I hope this ends soon :(.

I'm drunk at the moment too :p


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ze Best Friend :D

And here is my Besty!!!! :D 

None other then the Kyle! 

He's been my friend for as long as I can remember! We're like sister ;D. Just from a different whom.....and spermy :D. Hehe! Well, he and I are about as awesome as they come. We can entertain ourselves with about nothing and enjoy some of the weirdest shit :p. I remember once him and I were watching some videos on youtube about farts. Holy crap did we laugh :). Yeah, now that's something you can't do with just anybody :p. 

He is also the sweetest person I know. I can tell him all my secrets and know that none of them will ever leave his lips. I wish we were 21 so we could go to Vegas and have a fucking fun time watching strippers and getting drunk on the strip. 

No matter what happens to us as we began the journey of so called "adulthood" I know that he and I will always be to tighter then tight. We'll be friends till the day we are both shitting in diapers in some retirement home. 

I love you man!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Kristen!! :D

One of my besties, Kristen got her license a few days ago :D. I was so happy for her! I feel so proud of her. She is an amazing women, but for some reason not many people can or want to see it. It makes me mad when people underestimate her ability, because I know what she is capable of. I know the great things that she can and will contribute to this chaotic world! She is like a small flame waiting to be fired up to light the darkness around. 

Someday everyone will see what an incredible person she is and they will see how much they have wronged her. I want to see all those who thought that she was nothing more then a imperfect failer to bite their tongues when they see the great things she makes happen. I want them to be green with envy knowing they could never even come close to the greatness she will be. 

I'll always be your friend Kristen. And always try my best to be there for you :D.


Friday, August 8, 2008

The Other Boy

My heart feels like a sack of bricks right now, too heavy for it's own good.

Today I was talking to this boy I had a past fling with. The fling came at a cost of practically losing one of my best friends (or what I thought was a best friend). While I was talking to him all those old feeling came rushing back and all I could think about was him. I felt bad because my current boy totally left my mind at that moment. I don't know what this means! I don't want to have feelings for the other boy! He crushed my heart and still continues to do it to this day. I feel like crying at times, because I feel so stupid for even letting him get so into my mind. 

I want nothing more then to forget any kind of feelings I ever had for the other boy, but it seems impossible. He even moved and yet it seems like he'll be in my heart and mind forever. I want to be able to focus completely on my current boy. I want to be able to look at him and not think of the other.  I want to be happy with a boy that wouldn't hurt me and actually is with me for me and not what I can give.

Oh how I hope that day comes soon!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Boy

I know, I know I'm writing a blog about a boy. Silly teenage girl and her childish romances :p.  But yes I will continue. As of (not sure) 2 month I've been seeing this new guy. An interesting fellow so to say. Much different then the guys I'm usually confronted with.

However this change has seemed to work quite in an odd way. He's become something he wasn't meant to, to me. I thought that maybe I'd just go out with to kill time and all this and that, but for some reason that mind set has changed. 

I could go weeks without seeing him no problem. I could not talk to him forever and no problem. But now its almost impossible. I think about him all the time. I see him all the time and it's scaring me so much. I don't want to get attached. I don't want to be let down like so many time before. I don't know what to do. I know I don't love him, but every time I'm around him I feel happy, warm, peaceful. It is just so odd. I really am so confused :p

Metro Station!

I'm sure everyone by now knows who Metro Station is and all that :p. They are hugely what I'd expect any hardcore person to call "a little gay emo band" but they have captured my heart :D. I love almost all of their songs and know must of the lyrics to them.

I don't even mind that one of the singers is sibling to that horrid creature named Miley Cyrus. God I could fling that idiotic dip-shit down a long flight of stairs. No kidding I hate her. 

But enough about that mole of a girl. This band is totally addictive. One of my friends is completely in love with them now, after I played him a few songs while on a camping trip. They are just that catchy. It's kind of scary :p. Hehehe! 

Just wanted to say that are pretty cool and worth checking out sometime :D.

Kristen's Big Day :D

One of my best friends is turning 18 in a few days and I am so excited for her! :D. She has been looking forward to this day for the longest time now. She's been planning tattoos and all those new and exciting things permitted :). I just feel so happy for.

Happy Birthday Beo! 

First Blog

I just started my blogspot, decided to give it a try and see what it was all about :).  Well at the moment I really don't have fun stuff to talk about, not much going on in my life at the moment :p.

However I am starting college this fall. I am a little sad about it though. I really wanted to go to a university, but my lazyness and lack of math skill prevented it =/. Pretty sad I guess. 

I was really looking forward to all the new things that come with it. Looking forward to living on campus and everything, but no. I am to go to a community college first then transfer.  

I do have a feeling though that this twist of events was actually better, that maybe it was meant to happen this way as to protect me from something. I don't know :p . I guess I'm just trying to make myself feel better =/.